Reindeer Bios

Get to know Santa's reindeer
Dasher is one of our top competitors in the annual Reindeer Games. He is very athletic and loves a good competition. No matter how many medals he receives, he’s always the first to congratulate others on a job well done. This makes Dasher one classy competitor and one confident champion.
Dancer can bring a smile to anyone’s face. He has an extraordinary way of turning every situation into a funny one. Making people laugh comes naturally, but he never cracks a joke at someone’s expense, which is a true talent.
Prancer can see beauty overlooked by others. She notices the twinkle of the stars, the formation of the clouds, and the soft notes of music in the rustling leaves. Prancer is a true artist and it comes from deep in her soul.
Vixen is a natural born leader. He takes charge and can motivate any group in a matter of seconds. No matter what task is at hand, he handles it with ease. He can plan, prioritize, and inspire in a way that surpasses the rest.
Comet is our tech wizard. He can spend hours coding, creating websites, and gaming. He maps out our flight plan in minutes and is almost impossible to beat in any video game. Although we all still try.
Cupid is a true fashionista. His closet is full of gorgeous designs to compliment his one of a kind style. An outfit to him is more than just a piece of fabric, it is a statement to the world. A way to express himself. His unique style coupled with his talent in hair and makeup, makes him a force to be reckoned with. Cupid is our go to fashion consultant and he NEVER disappoints.
Donner is our chill reindeer. He likes to stay home and relax. He spends most of his time in the kitchen creating delicious, one of a kind meals. He puts his love into every dish and is a true chef at heart. If he does venture out, you may find him at the skatepark. His jumps are also pretty impressive.
Blitzen can often be mistaken as the shy one. Probably because more often than not you’ll find her sitting quietly with a book. Her passion for reading allows her to have immense knowledge in just about any topic. Making her our number one reindeer to go to for advice. Blitzen’s brain is truly a beautiful and rare gift.